- Neale Donald Walsch
Well, happy 2022 to you all! So far, we’re a week into it and nothing earth shattering has come about, at least in my part of the globe. As we all keep moving the absolute best we can amidst this cyber war that has the population soaked in fear and immersed in lies, deceit and corruption, not to mention severe whether challenges, it seems like there’s nowhere to go where it isn’t. I can easily see how some people might see all this as God’s cruel joke on humanity. People are losing faith as our fundamental rights and freedoms are being seriously curtailed or in some cases, stripped away completely. It’s all really serious for sure.
Since we really can’t stop time, or bury our heads in the sand, we put those heads down and march headlong into either the fray, or the joy of our future. We will try our best to minimize the banter and babble from our outside world adding to the confusion from a mass psychoses. As we start the second year of a radically changed world where no one is offering a fix-all solution to any of it, just how excited are you for this new year?
Actually, I’ve heard it mentioned on more than one occasion that this is a wonderful time to be alive experiencing life. I actually signed up to be here now. God told me this. God also told me to spread the word because amidst the turmoil of our current reality and despite our perceptions of current events, there is a mass awakening afoot. And it’s cosmic in scope. Everything that is going on in our outside world is by design and timely. Now I know what you’re thinking. Especially those who may be suffering in some fashion, physically, emotionally, or financially. Are you kidding me? Just look around. The world is a mess!
Okay, I get it, I really do and making a bold and broad statement like “God told me” I’m sure would raise a few eyebrows. Just let me share with you how I’ve come to this truth. I’ve made mention of this in prior blogs. Two years ago, when we were first being immersed into this world madness, I got sucked into it big time. I never before had given in to such anger, rage, and a feeling of hopelessness. It began to affect me to the point of hardly recognizing who I was, totally abandoning all that I’d come to learn about this thing called Me.
As time went on my self-preservation mechanism started to kick in thanks to my meditation practice every morning. I relied on this as my daily foundation of inner peace. It’s always worked for me in the past and more so now that I’ve been retired for over 4 years and encounter much less daily stress. I had surrendered the remainder of my life to listening to my higher self or God as I would seek guidance and clarity to fulfill my earthly mission in this incarnation. In fact, my second book, “The God Particle” was written entirely by inspiration. God talking to me, or actually, talking as me. It was for me a symbiotic experience.
That quiet peaceful self that I had come to know and appreciate was being violently taken over and I knew then that this was not where I needed to be. Outside stimuli had breached my sanctuary and the message I was consistently getting was to minimize and eventually eliminate that outside noise. Where do I go when things get a little dicey in my outside world? A little deeper into the rabbit hole. I certainly wasn’t getting any answers from outside sources, so the only place left is within. Everything in our world seemed upside down so I had to go to a place and ask the hard question; is what’s happening now apart of a cosmic plan? Now I know without a doubt that the “powers that be” in our world have a plan or agenda that’s now being played out, but is that too apart of the even larger picture?
Well guess what? That answer is a resounding yes! My studies have taken me deeper and deeper into the nature of reality and how the self is connected to it all. It’s similar to walking in the woods and getting disoriented as far as direction and where you are. You can’t see the forest for the trees kind of thing. If you rise above the trees you can easily see a way out. The further out you pull back, the more you can see of what makes up the whole. To understand the micro, you need to see the macro in all its splendor.
Here’s the deal though. First of all, if we can grasp the concept that we’re all really spiritual beings in human form, it automatically changes the playing field. Now most people have heard that before and, can agree, but do they really understand it? I think not. They’re too wrapped up in the human physical part of the program, too involved in doing human. Many have bought into the smoke screen of what’s being projected in the world we live in. Don’t get me wrong, I live in it too and it affects me like it does everyone, but it’s too easy to miss the big picture. The so-called agenda that is behind the goings on in our global community that’s got everyone in turmoil is not really where the fire is. Yes, it’s important and needs to be rectified in some form for the well-being of all. And it will be, I can promise you that.
So here is my bottom line on this at least for this post. What’s going on in the world we now inhabit is of real concern, at least from a physical perspective, no argument there. Our individual well-being is of utmost importance not only for ourselves, but our loved ones as well. Again, a physical perspective. Remember, we agreed that we were actually spiritual beings in a physical world, or is it? And what about this God that I claim to hear from within? It’s not physical as it comes through what I perceive as thought which is non-physical. This God that most of us would agree created the world and everything it includes. This non-physical entity that guides me in a direction to not only know who I really am but expand my awareness of “reality” and the way of things. The more I listen, study, and remember the more I totally understand that although we are in this world, we are certainly not of it. That is my saving grace. I will see this trial through to the best of my ability trusting totally in the fact that it is all being guided with unconditional love by powers greater than man, and for a purpose we don’t yet grasp.
There is a great awakening currently taking place that involves us all on a scale far beyond our meager ability to totally comprehend, and everything that is happening now is apart of all of it. The good, the bad and the ugly all have parts to play. The truth is out there, and God is talking. Are you listening? Rise higher in thought. The air is fresher, there is no noise, and you can see forever. I am that I am!