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#19 This You in the Mirror

January 17, 2022

Happy New Year everyone! I don't know about you, but thinking back to when I was just a young school boy thinking about the future, no way did I ever go out as far as 2020! It just seems crazy how quickly life can fly by us. Of course I also found out that the older you get, the quicker time moves. Add retirement into the mix and not even realizing what day it is can really put a different perspective on life in general. Having time to really ponder about life, what you've done, where you came from, to where and what you are now is like reading your own autobiography. I'm sure most people would have quite a story should they endeavor to write about it.

Actually, I started writing my second book just before the end of this last year. It's a book I was inspired to write just after my first book was published the end of 2016. The new book is titled "The God Particle", and it's about my personal journey to know God. I knew at the onset what I wanted to write about, but I had no idea just how I was going to introduce the subject matter itself. I trusted that inspiration would show up when it was time. 

Well, show up it did, and I started writing. As I was writing it unfolded my personal story from childhood to current. Albeit, the Reader's Digest version, but there I am, being transparent with all who will read it. Although I'm not yet finished with the manuscript, I got to reflect on what I did write in the first 11 chapters, the where I came from and what I've done part of the story. It reminded me of what I used to say in autographing any of my first books that I sold at book signings or gave away to friends and family; "You are so much more than the image that bounces back from the mirror". 

The contents of my next book will certainly expand on that concept. In essence, that is what I want to convey to you here as you stand on the first few weeks of a new year. Take a good look at that person in your mirror. Do you really know you? You are really worth that investment of time because you are awesome! 

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