We have 12 months to our year. The number twelve is significant in many ways. Many of which are elusive and unknown to most of us because they are both cosmic and mystical. However for the sake of this post, we will focus on our 12th month, December.
I think you would agree that if you stopped to think about it, each month has it’s own feeling or flavor if you will. Almost akin to a texture or signature. Just looking at this country, the USA, we find ourselves between holidays. As I flipped my desk calendar today, I felt a sense of quiet. Almost like a tired person after a long run. A time to stop and reflect on what we’ve achieved and experienced over the previous 11 months, and marvel over the strength and blessings we’ve enjoyed. Even if there were trials and tribulations in the trail behind us, we’re here now.
As we step forward into this month and the busyness that awaits the hectic Christmas season, let yourself sit for a few moments and reflect on whatever good you can find amid any noise, disappointments, fears, illnesses or even heart aches. Your memory holds every feeling and emotion you’ve experienced since you took your first breath.
December for me always promoted happiness and joy for the expectations of the most fun holiday of the year. Even though it was the month that saw the death of my first wife 46 years ago, it was the same month that my son was born, 49 years ago. I live with this “little guy” now, and to see him and be with him brings me more joy than the sadness of loosing his mom. Because I know, without a doubt that there are no accidents, and that despite all that I’ve been through in all the years since then, I am right where I need to be… right on time.
I choose to reflect on all my blessings and am thankful for all my trials and tribulations because they made me a stronger and wiser man than I was even 1 month ago. The perceived good always outweighs the perceived bad if you really allow yourself to really look deeply at it.
Today I chose to do a little Christmas decorating to enhance my reflection for the month of December. Truthfully, I’m not sure I would have done it if it weren’t for my son. To see him smile when he got home from work at the sight of me stringing lights on the tree, was reward enough. He helped with that cumbersome chore, then he sat back and watched me hang the few ornaments one by one. As I did, I was able to reflect yet again as the ornaments themselves brough pleasant memories from Christmas’s past with my two daughters who both live up north. Rather than the sadness of not having them here, the blessings of sharing sacred times with each of them and their moms as well.
Our lives can be complex and chaotic during these difficult times, but this 12th month of our year affords us an opportunity to stop and count our blessings, before we push on to our various celebrations. And remember, the older we get, the more we have to reflect on, but make certain that you just allow the happy memories to surface and feel the joy within your very soul. You are a magnificent reflection of God doing life.
Bottom line here for the twelfth month of this 2023… you all have had and are having literally thousands of life experiences over eons of what we perceive as time. It isn’t the number of life experiences that are important. It is the quality of those experiences that allows for your soul growth and collective wisdom. So reflecting is acknowledging your reception of that quality.