Happy New Year to you all. As we usher in this new year in these rapidly changing and uncertain times, I thought that it might be most beneficial to our overall well-being to zero in on what I consider a prime concept for inner growth before we look to hopes and dreams for a more peaceful future in our outside world. And to reflect on a famous quote by Neal Donald Walsch; “if you don’t go within, you’ll go without.”
Self-discovery is the key to spiritual growth. All spiritual law relates to how we perceive ourselves within the context of our world of form and function. Going back to the ancient Greeks, the words “Know Thyself” were inscribed above the entrance to the temple of Apollo. This I’m told is where they came to learn from the great Oracle of Delphi. Quite a welcoming, I’d say. So, what were those words meant to convey?
Well, for me, even before I realized what self-discovery even was, there was a feeling of unrest deep within. It was like something that was trying to breathe and grow inside of me, but I didn’t know what it was. I almost felt like a part of me was confined and was seeking recognition. I seemed to know intuitively that there was something more to life and about me, but what? It was like an insatiable hunger. I couldn’t deny this unrest.
Over time I sought out answers through the wisdom of countless teachers, ancient scribes, and my own inner guidance. Little by little this relentless seeking effected my own personal outside world, but I endeavored to persevere if for nothing else but for my own self-preservation. Truth be told, that was all of 40 years ago. And do you know what… as of this writing, I am proud to admit that I am still learning.
One thing I know for sure is that I’m more than the image that bounces back from the mirror. That being said, I definitely know that I am not my body. I am not my thoughts. Nor am I my emotions, words or actions. I am, however, one who expresses into life and creates every one of my experiences. I am the absolute presence of the Divine as only I can be. I am more powerful than any problem or challenge than comes my way, and my mission is to become ever more aware of the oneness of us all.
It is my fervent belief at the beginning of this new year that if we look to a path of inner discovery of self, and embrace and embody these ideas, the more meaningful and magical your life may become. Focusing on the light always shrinks the darkness.
I will end this post with an affirmation:
I know myself as the wholeness of Divine Presence.
I always have everything I need.