Ever since I can remember, each new year that we celebrated, it was always a custom to create new goals to reach for over the upcoming months of that year. We’d start out like a house on fire, but the luster seemed to die out before we got to the 3rd month. This isn’t to say that goals aren’t important. On the contrary, they are very important in our development and for our self-worth. We establish them to guide us to do better and become better, and to stretch our imagination and creativeness.
The hard part is seeing the goals through in what are oftentimes tedious exercises, either physically if you’re working on your body image, or emotional if you’re striving for your professional or economical change relative to your financial picture. Not to mention a relationship improvement. Everyone looks to something better as we go down the road of life. That’s only natural. It’s part of growing and evolving. Goals stretch us and give us purpose. They fuel us.
Here's the deal… those goals that you set in the beginning that sort of dropped away, well they were probably just wishes and you didn’t have enough steam to keep at them alive anyway. It probably wasn’t time for those just yet. You’ll get another swing at them down the road. Or not, and that’s okay too.
Now, those ones that you really, really want to achieve, the ones that get you excited when you think about them… well you’ve already got the most important ingredient working for you. I’m talking about e-motion. Energy plus motion. One of the magical parts of manifestation. Seeing yourself with the desired goal achieved is vital. And, you have to do that despite what your senses may tell you. Even though your reality says, ‘no you don’t’. Absolutely, positively know that it’s yours. Now, trust. Trust that the universe is bringing everything together for the outcome you “see”. Act as if it was already yours. You will see them manifest in their right time.
Now we’ll talk about those outcomes, because there’s always an outcome. Here’s where we can do a serious disservice to ourselves if we don’t happen to achieve a particular goal that we set for ourselves. Before you give yourself the label of failure, just stop. Here is where we need to get back to the basics of your beingness. By understanding who you really are, you’ll realize that there are no failures in life. Only experiences with outcomes. Those outcomes aren’t necessarily good or bad, they just are what they are. If you achieved your goal, that’s an outcome. If you didn’t achieve your goal, that too is an outcome. It’s the end of a planned experience. Not achieving isn’t a bad thing. It promoted an outcome. What did that outcome teach you? What did you learn from that outcome? What can you do better the next time to change that outcome to one that may be more harmonious to your original desire? You’re not a failure. You can never be a failure. You are a divine creator of experiences and outcomes. Some outcomes bring you closer to your dreams, some further from them. Either way, you’ve accumulated valuable growth for your soul. Job well done.