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#75 Spiritual Inclusion

March 4, 2024

“Inclusion is not bringing people into what already exists; it is making a new space, a better space for everyone.” 

----- George Dei

To what extent do I present this month’s topic? Well, to be fair, I asked one of my guides a few days ago in meditation to provide me with an idea for my next blog post. I got… “Inclusion”. So, I had to sit with that for a while. Right away my head went to its current social definition, and with today’s geo-political and social climate being what they are, I wasn’t going to touch that with a ten-foot pole.

Since I didn’t like my head’s idea, I decided to switch to my heart. Then there should be no doubt. Going back to August and September’s blogs #’s 68 & 69 I talked about being in the world, but not of it. Therein lies the concept relative to this blog post. But wait, there was something else… there was something about inclusion that was nagging me. Did I write about this before? Indeed I did. Going back to October of 2022, my blog post #57! After I read it, I recognized that I had to go a little deeper into it. Hence, this post. My guides were right after all. 

Actually, the context of the subject spiritual inclusion here ties in seamlessly with the meaning that I expounded on relative to being in the world, but not of it. And not only that, but it will also be the underlying theme in the next book I’m writing, called “Walking the Fenceline”. It’s about bringing a new awareness into focus and balancing it with your day-to-day life and activities. Here is what I mean.

I feel that it is imperative now more than ever that we tune into the concept of who we really are, as a spiritual being in a human experience. If we can gravitate to even a fraction of what this means for us it can lighten the load emotionally for us on our life journey. Not only that, but it would counter-balance the social definition. That’s not to say that there’s anything wrong with that definition. I just look to give it more depth, and maybe a little more of a wholesome twist.

Inclusion isn’t just an action we can take in our physical connection with other beings with different beliefs, ideals, cultures, or religions. It’s a mindset that brings us a sense of freedom by knowing that our divine power supersedes anything that can happen to us while we’re doing life. It’s a safety net, an insurance policy that never expires and doesn’t cost us a dime. 

I would challenge you to find a tougher suit of armor than that of being a God Particle. You are, we are all a fractal of the Creator/Source. All that it is, we are. We are here in this physical reality of this third dimension acting out our individual lives. Each of which we designed for the express purpose of giving a vast variety of experiences to our souls. Some of those are what we perceive as good, and some perhaps, not so good. Hills and valleys, ups and downs. Trials, tribulations, challenges, and heartbreaks. Eventually, we experience them all, and despite how we process them, our souls grow through the sheer experiences. It’s precisely during these more difficult times that the mindset of spiritual inclusion shows it’s full meaning. 

Because we are spiritual beings, because we are Gods in our own right, we can see and understand that it’s all good in the end. We come through unscathed even as we pass from physical beingness, and we go on living in our next venture beyond this reality. So walk your life with the inner knowing that you are divine and immortal. It feels wonderful.

Walk and do life with confidence and an inner sense of peace. You are so much more than the image that bounces back from the mirror. Adopt this concept we call spiritual  inclusion. Remember who you really are.

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